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RFK60 behrotest reflux condenser for the extraction EZ60/(H) behrotest reflux condenser for the...


Katalog No. Açıklama
B00592291 RFK60 behrotest reflux condenser for the extraction EZ60/(H) behrotest reflux condenser for the...
TK45 behrotest Titanium cooler with inlet and outlet tubing connectors, PTFE st behrotest...



Katalog No. Açıklama
B00705276 TK45 behrotest Titanium cooler with inlet and outlet tubing connectors, PTFE st behrotest...
B00704646 TK29 behrotest Titanium cooler with inlet and outlet tubing connectors, PTFE st behrotest...
B00705277 TK60 behrotest Titanium cooler with inlet and outlet tubing connectors, PTFE st behrotest...
B00705883 TK71 behrotest Titanium cooler with inlet and outlet tubing connectors, PTFE st behrotest...
RFK100 behrotest reflux condenser with neck NS45 for Extractors EZ100/H and EZ25 behrotest reflux...


Katalog No. Açıklama
B00218214 RFK100 behrotest reflux condenser with neck NS45 for Extractors EZ100/H and EZ25 behrotest reflux...
RFK30 behrotest reflux condenser behrotest reflux condenser


Katalog No. Açıklama
B00217955 RFK30 behrotest reflux condenser behrotest reflux condenser
DURAN® Coil distillate condenser, 2 plastic hose connections, NS 24/29, 300 mm DURAN® Coil...

Duran/DWK Life Sciences


Borosilikat Cam 3.3


Katalog No. Açıklama
242537105 DURAN® Coil distillate condenser, 2 plastic hose connections, NS 24/29, 300 mm DURAN® Coil...
DURAN® Coil distillate condenser, 2 plastic hose connections, NS 29/32, 300 mm DURAN® Coil...

Duran/DWK Life Sciences


Borosilikat Cam 3.3


Katalog No. Açıklama
242537208 DURAN® Coil distillate condenser, 2 plastic hose connections, NS 29/32, 300 mm DURAN® Coil...
CC1 Cooling coil Cooling coil for IC  For hoses DN 8


Katalog No. Açıklama
0020005116 CC1 Cooling coil Cooling coil for IC For hoses DN 8
CC2 Cooling coil Cooling coil for ICC  For hoses DN 8


Katalog No. Açıklama
0025001061 CC2 Cooling coil Cooling coil for ICC For hoses DN 8
Assembly cooling coil for CORIO CD, DYNEO DD


Katalog No. Açıklama
9970100 Assembly cooling coil for CORIO CD, DYNEO DD
Installation cooling for CORIO C/CD, DYNEO DD


Katalog No. Açıklama
9970101 Installation cooling for CORIO C/CD, DYNEO DD
NANO condenser 200mm NANOCOLOR condenser 200 mm, type KS with 3 m PE tubing



Katalog No. Açıklama
91667 NANO condenser 200mm NANOCOLOR condenser 200 mm, type KS with 3 m PE tubing
Reflux condenser (short type), height 320 mm, thread GL 18, cooling surface 2000 cm² Reflux...


GL 18

320 mm

Borosilikat Cam 3.3



Katalog No. Açıklama
107001501 Reflux condenser (short type), height 320 mm, thread GL 18, cooling surface 2000 cm² Reflux...
Reflux condenser (short type), height 270 mm, thread GL 14, cooling surface 800 cm² Reflux...


GL 14

270 mm

Borosilikat Cam 3.3



Katalog No. Açıklama
107001502 Reflux condenser (short type), height 270 mm, thread GL 14, cooling surface 800 cm² Reflux...
Reflux condenser, incl. with collector flask and connection to exhaust-system, cooling surface...


Borosilikat Cam 3.3



Katalog No. Açıklama
107000428 Reflux condenser, incl. with collector flask and connection to exhaust-system, cooling surface...
Graham condenser, cone size 29/32, socket size 29/32, length 250 mm Graham condenser, cone size...


Borosilikat Cam 3.3




Katalog No. Açıklama
134084220 Graham condenser, cone size 29/32, socket size 29/32, length 250 mm Graham condenser, cone size...
134084120 Graham condenser, cone size 14,5/23, socket size 14,5/23, length 160 mm Graham condenser, cone...
134084230 Graham condenser, cone size 29/32, socket size 29/32, length 400 mm Graham condenser, cone size...
Graham-condensers, acc. to DIN 12592, cone ST 24/29, jacket length 250 mm



Katalog No. Açıklama
1733250 Graham-condensers, acc. to DIN 12592, cone ST 24/29, jacket length 250 mm
1737400 Graham-condensers, acc. to DIN 12592, cone and socket ST 24/29, jacket length 400 mm
Jacketed coil condensers, acc. to DIN 12593, cone and socket ST 24/29, jacket length 250 mm



Katalog No. Açıklama
1755250 Jacketed coil condensers, acc. to DIN 12593, cone and socket ST 24/29, jacket length 250 mm
1755400 Jacketed coil condensers ST 24/29 Jacketed Coil Condensers, acc. to DIN 12593, Cone + Socket ST...
Jacketed coil condensers Cone + Socket ST 29/32 Jacketed coil condensers, acc. to DIN 12593, cone...



Katalog No. Açıklama
1756400 Jacketed coil condensers Cone + Socket ST 29/32 Jacketed coil condensers, acc. to DIN 12593, cone...
1756250 Jacketed coil condensers Cone + Socket ST 29/32 Jacketed coil condensers, acc. to DIN 12593, cone...
1756160 Jacketed coil condensers ST 29/32 Jacketed coil condensers, acc. to DIN 12593, cone and socket ST...
Jacketed Double Coil Condensers, Cone + Socket ST 24/29, Jacket length 250mm



Katalog No. Açıklama
1760250 Jacketed Double Coil Condensers, Cone + Socket ST 24/29, Jacket length 250mm
1762160 Jacketed Coil Condenser, with double Couk Condenser, Cone + Socket NS 29/32, Jacket length 160mm
1762250 Jacketed double Coil Condensers, Cone + Socket ST 29/32, Jacket length 250mm
1760400 Jacketed Double Coil Condensers, Cone + Socket ST 24/29, Jacket length 400mm
1762400 Jacketed double coil condensers, cone and socket ST 29/32, jacket length 400 mm
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Spiral condensers, cone +socket ST 24/29, jacket length 250mm



Katalog No. Açıklama
1770250 Spiral condensers, cone +socket ST 24/29, jacket length 250mm
1770160 Spiral condensers, cone + socket ST 24/29, jacket length 160mm
1770400 Spiral condensers, cone + socket ST 24/29, jacket length 400mm
1772160 Spiral condensers, cone + socket ST 29/32, jacket length 160mm
1770164 Spiral condenser, cone + socket ST 14/23, jacket length 160mm
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Air condensers, cone ST 29/32, tube length: 1 000 mm


Katalog No. Açıklama
1786100 Air condensers, cone ST 29/32, tube length: 1 000 mm
Immersion coolers (dephlegmators) PERCISO, cone ST 24/29, eff. length 140 mm, total length 230 mm



Katalog No. Açıklama
1786224 Immersion coolers (dephlegmators) PERCISO, cone ST 24/29, eff. length 140 mm, total length 230 mm
1786219 Immersion coolers (dephlegmators) PERCISO, cone St 19/26, eff. length 100 mm, total length 185 mm
1786229 Immersion coolers (dephlegmators) PERCISO, cone ST 29/32, eff. length 140 mm, total length 235 mm
1786214 Immersion coolers (Dephlegmators) PRECISO, cone St 14/23, eff. length 100 mm, total length 180 mm
Jacketed coil condenser, 200 mm, 1 GL 18/10, 1 FA 10, 2 GL 14/6 with 2 hose connections (PP)


Katalog No. Açıklama
1967007 Jacketed coil condenser, 200 mm, 1 GL 18/10, 1 FA 10, 2 GL 14/6 with 2 hose connections (PP)
Spiral condensers, cone + socket ST 29/32, jacket length 250mm


Katalog No. Açıklama
1772250 Spiral condensers, cone + socket ST 29/32, jacket length 250mm